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On Top Of Old Smoky - The Weavers

 On Top Of Old Smoky - The Weavers


테니시 주와 노드 캐롤라이나 주 등 애팔래치아 산악지대에서 옛날부터 전해지고 있는 노래로, 17세기경의 잉글랜드 민요라 일컬어진다.

 'Old Smokey'란, 테네시와 노드 캘롤라이나의 경계에 있는 산의 이름으로 이 곡은 1951년에 피트 시거가 편곡하고,

그 를 리더로 하는 위버스(The Weavers)와 테리 길키슨(Terry Gilkyson)의 공연 레코드가 세계적으로 히트를 기록 하며 널리 알려졌다.




 On Top Of Old Smoky - The Weavers


On top of smoky, all covered with snow
I lost my true-lover from courting too slow

For courting's a pleasure, and parting's a grief
But a false-hearted true-love is worse than a thief

A thief can but rob you, and take what you have
But false-hearted true-love will send you to your grave

The grave will decay you, and turn you to dust
No one  girlin a hundred that a poor boy can trust

They'll tell you they love you, to give your heart ease
As soon as your back's turned they'll do as they please

They'll hug you and kiss you and tell you more lies
Than there's cross-ties on a railroad, or stars in the skies

It's raining it's hailing the moon give no light
My horse, he can't travel this dark stormy night

I'll put up my horses, and feed them some hay
And sit down beside you for as long as I may

My horses aren't hungry, they won't eat your hay
So farewell, my little darling, I'll feed long the way

I'll drive down to Georgia, then write you my mind
My plan is to marry, and leave you behinde

As sure as the dew drops will fall on the corn
I'll say good-bye darling, and then I'll be gone

I'll climb up on old smokey, that old mountain so high
Where the whipoorwills and the turtle-doves can hear my sad cry

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